5/25/22 • Faith in a Frenzied World • Week 3

"Faith in a Frenzied World" is a 3-week series about the chaos that people face today. Life for all of us is often dominated by confusion and noise. But studies are showing that, for teenagers in particular, stress and loneliness characterize their lives now more than ever. Teenagers face increased expectations and demands. And there are the normal struggles and suffering in a creation gone wrong. But, in the frenzy of a fallen world, Jesus draws near with His peace! Join us for as we finish with our last message of this series called: Love in a Lonely World (Mark 1)

Discussion Questions:

  • Do you think that people who have thousands or millions of social media followers feel relationally connected? Why or why not? 

Getting to the Text

  • The theme song to Friends is “I’ll Be There for You.” What comes to mind when you think of that phrase? Do you think that’s a common experience for people?

  • What are some realities today that contribute toward loneliness?

Read Mark 1:40–45.

  • Why would the man in Mark 1 have lived a lonely life? What kinds of experiences would he have had?

  • What is significant about the descriptions “unclean” and “clean” in this passage?

  • How does Jesus interact with this man? What stands out to you?

  • What is Jesus’ own experience at the end of this story? What does that show us about how Jesus accomplishes His ministry toward us?

Getting to the Heart 

  • What have been some of your own experiences of loneliness?

  • Is there any way that you identify with the feeling of being “unclean” (different, unwelcome, strange, complicated, avoided, shamed)?

  • What has helped you as you have wrestled with loneliness? 

  • How have you experienced what Jesus does toward this man in your own life? 

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