5/18/22 • Faith in a Frenzied World • Week 2

"Faith in a Frenzied World" is a 3-week series about the chaos that people face today. Life for all of us is often dominated by confusion and noise. But studies are showing that, for teenagers in particular, stress and loneliness characterize their lives now more than ever. Teenagers face increased expectations and demands. And there are the normal struggles and suffering in a creation gone wrong. But, in the frenzy of a fallen world, Jesus draws near with His peace! This is the second message of this series called: Rest in a Stressed-Out Culture (Luke 12)

Discussion Questions:
  • “The world is more stressful today for teenagers than ever.” Agree or disagree?

Getting to the Text/Issue: (Read Luke 12:22–34)
  • What are the typical signs of teenage stress?
  • What are the things in this passage that Jesus says we might be tempted to be anxious about? How might they correspond to today?
  • Following Jesus’ statements in verses 15 and 23, we said, “You will experience anxiety about what you define as life.” What does this mean? How do you experience this?
  • We talked about how evaluation in particular feels stressful. Why is that? What does that reveal about our hearts?
  • What are some good and bad ways that people try to cope with stress? What does Jesus direct us toward as the remedy for stress in this passage?

Getting to the Heart:
  • Which of the two categories that we described (provision—“will I have enough?” and performance—“will I be enough?”) tends to create worry the most for you?
  • In several places in this text, Jesus directs us toward our Father. Do you go to God when life is stressful? What does that look like for you?
  • What are some particular stresses you are currently experiencing that we can pray about?
  • What are some Scripture passages that you can be meditating on?

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