boxes of love 2024
Thank you to all who helped us care for our community.
We were able to provide 43 Boxes of Love with a complete Thanksgiving meal to families facing a need.

Thank you to Stewart's Shops for donating eggs, milk, and butter.
Thank you to our friends at Duanesburg Reformed Presbyterian and Schoharie Reformed for partnering with us this year.

Tutor a student (teaching certificate needed) or
help with our Wednesday Homework program (meals, supervision, tutoring) - coming soon!
Contact Bill or Nancie Tindale for more information

There are many opportunities to serve as a group at the Schenectady City Mission!
Check out their Volunteer Hub for details.

Donate all clothing, belts, blankets, hats, draperies, hand bags, paired shoes or sneakers, and towels in the red City Mission drop box on the side of our parking lot.
Donate your cans and bottles to provide basic resources and spread hope in third world poverty.
Look for the white Footsteps of Hope bin on the side of our parking lot.