Missionaries and partnerships

Here at Princetown Church we support missionaries both in the United States and abroad.
We are grateful for their commitment and the sacrifices they have made to share the Gospel.

David Young, our Missions' Coordinator, has had the opportunity to catch up with Mike Saccocio with the City Mission and Jan Winnes with Co-Laborers to see how our Christmas Eve offering has impacted their ministries. You can watch the interviews below. 


Eric & Allison Foster

Eric & Allison Foster serve with CRU with the Jesus Film Project.
Eric’s department, Global Mobilization, focuses on just that - mobilizing the church with Jesus Film resources to share their faith, help people grow in their walk with Jesus, and start new churches. We do that primarily through sending projectors and tablets loaded with Jesus films in local languages, training ministries how to use our resources, sending mission trips, and mobilizing a global prayer network.
Allison's role has changed to being support and training their human resource people as she focuses on home schooling her boys.  

Click HERE for a recent update - learn how the Jesus Film is reaching Arabs in Europe.

8733 Brackenwood Drive, Orlando, FL  32829
website:  https://www.cru.org


Mark & Åsa Fisher

Mark & Åsa Fisher's mission is to plant churches, businesses, and Youth With A Mission (YWAM) ministries that apply God's Word to every area of thought and life in a culturally appropriate way amongst Muslim peoples and the least reached peoples on the planet.  Mark manages the Business As Mission (BAM) ministry.

Click HERE for a recent update on the Fisher family.

5648 Preminger Drive, Colorado Springs, CO80911
Mark's email:  fisherm@ywamcos.org
Åsa's email: fishera@ywamcos.org
website: https://www.ywamcos.org/


Jay Richmond

We exist to help realize a unified expression in the Church of the Capital Region. Being Centered on Jesus is where we truly begin to slow down and live out our identity in Christ. It is only in this identity, beloved children of God, that the church can be unified. (Colossians 1:28)  We look to Serve Capital Region Christian Leaders through Servant Leadership and Partnering In Prayer. We will succeed by seeing the Church of the Capital Region Scattered on Mission - Existing in Life-Giving Connections among Christ Followers. At RPN, we believe it takes the whole church to take the whole gospel to the whole region. So we facilitate the networking of individuals, ministries, and businesses who share in the desire to advance the kingdom of God. We long to raise a consciousness of prayer and cultivate (caring, nurturing, mentoring, shepherding) leaders within the Capital Region

RPN offers pastors a place to rest and recharge at Shiloh Christian Family Campground. Learn more about this opportunity and ways to support this cause.
Pastor Rest
Support Pastor Rest
PO Box 11316, Albany, NY 12211
Cell Phone:  518-330-7403
email:  rpn.jay@gmail.com   
website: https://www.renewalprayer.net/


Ryan & Mary Hokuf

The Hokufs are serving with Kingdom Air Corps, which was founded in 1999 by Reverend Dwayne King for the purpose of training missionary pilots to fly in the most rugged places on earth in order to bring the gospel to the people there. The Hokufs moved to Alaska in the spring of 2023.

Click HERE for an updated from the Hokufs and Kingdom Air Corps. (click on view in browser if it shows up as black on black text)

Click HERE for an update from Kingdom Air Corps (June 2024)

email: ryan.mary@hokuf.com
Phone: 443-252-0304
website: https://www.kingdomaircorps.org/


Alpha Pregnancy Care Center deeply believes in providing client-centered care at no cost. All our services are confidential and provide accurate information if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy.

website: https://alphacare.org


The City Mission of Schenectady, founded in 1906, is dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. Our ministries are seeking to comprehensively meet the needs of the poor in a manner that dignifies and strengthens the individual, the family, and the community.
• Provide Shelter
• Feed the Hungry
• Empower Employment
• Life Skills Training

Click HERE for a video update from Mike Saccocio. 

City Mission of Schenectady
PO Box 760 Schenectady NY 12301
website: https://citymission.com


Jan Winnes

Jan Winnes served alongside her late husband, Larry, as "Co-Laborers" for Christ. They primarily reached out to non-evangelized countries in Eurasia.
Jan is now based in Eau Claire, WI.

Jan traveled to Uganda in May 2023 and is now working with Bossa John and Masters Children's Ministries as he cares for widows and orphans.

Click HERE for an update from Jan on Bossa John and his ministry. (May 2024)

Larry published a book in 2021, River of Faith: A Life Story of Serving the Persecuted Church which is available on Amazon.

4535 E. Robin Meadows Ln, Eau Claire, WI, 54701
email:  janwinnes@gmail.com

Bossa John & children


Bob Ewerth

Bob retired in July 2022 after serving with Open Air Campaigners for 40 years alongside his late wife, Deidra. Open Air Campaigners is an evangelistic ministry of preaching the Gospel to lost people and mobilizing the body of Christ, primarily through effective open-air outreach.  Bob & Deidra worked to share the gospel in Christian school chapels, kids missions conferences, Vacation Bible Schools, and to inner city children

1200 Easton Rd, Roslyn, PA19001
email:  bob.ewerth@oaci.org
website:  https://oacusa.org/


Bob & Judy Long

Bob and Judy Long served 5 years in Vietnam with the World Relief Commission of the National Association of Evangelicals. From 1976 until 2002 they were in full time missionary service with TEAM in Taiwan. Bob served as head of the pediatric service of TEAM’s hospital in Taitung, Taiwan. Judy was involved in field administration as well as Bible studies and other outreach. Following their retirement from full time service, Judy completed her Master of Counseling degree and has been involved in a counseling ministry at their local church. From 2002 – 2016 they were involved in member care of overseas missionaries through TEAM and the Christian Medical and Dental Association. Although no longer involved in overseas member care they continue ministry through their local church

15 Woodpine Ct, Columbia, SC 29212
email: boblongtw@gmail.com
TEAM website: https://team.org/

Capital Region Tutors

Bill & Nancie Tindale

In an effort to love our community and provide for a growing need, Princetown Church is excited to partner with Capital Region Tutors. Since 1999, CRT has provided educational services to hundreds of Capital Region students each year. They use Princetown Church as an in-person meeting place for Tutoring, Homework Support, Regents Prep, and more. Princetown is excited about the opportunity to care for our community and share the good news of Jesus through this partnership. Interested in hiring a tutor, check out their website below

website:  https://capitalregiontutors.com//