About Bob and Judy
Bob and Judy Long served 5 years in Vietnam with the World Relief Commission of the National Association of Evangelicals. From 1976 until 2002, they were in full-time missionary service with TEAM in Taiwan. Bob served as head of the pediatric service of TEAM’s hospital in Taitung, Taiwan. Judy was involved in field administration, Bible studies, and other outreach activities. Following their retirement from full-time service, Judy completed her Master of Counseling degree and became involved in a counseling ministry at their local church. From 2002 – 2016, they were involved in member care of overseas missionaries through TEAM and the Christian Medical and Dental Association. Although no longer involved in overseas member care, they continue ministry through their local church.
About TEAM
Since 1890, TEAM has had one goal: Make Him known. TEAM sends disciples to make disciples around the world. They have hundreds of missionaries in their ranks and expanded their work to over 35 countries, giving it a presence on six continents. TEAM has major initiatives in the Arab world and has developed specialized ministries such as hospitals, Bible institutes, orphanages, publications, linguistic work, and children’s education to support its overall mission of church planting. In the context of a rapidly changing mission field both in the United States and abroad, TEAM and its network of over 2,000 churches continue to explore new fields for missionary work and innovative new ways to serve.