Where do I enter and exit the building?
You should enter at the front entrance (the welcome flags will be there).
You can exit through any doors in the building except the main entrance doors.
Do I need to RSVP for an in-person worship gathering?
No, but we will have you check in when you arrive at the east facing canopy door on the side of the building.
Why do I need to Check In?
Should anyone be diagnosed with the Coronavirus, we will be able to contact everyone who attended that in-person gathering.
Do I need to bring anything with me?
Please bring a mask.
What will the in-person worship gathering be like?
During this phase gathering in our church facility, we will have coffee available before the service as you enter and we will have live preaching and singing.
Will the online worship service still be available?
Absolutely, yes! We plan to continue to provide the online worship service as we have been doing. It will broadcast at the same times as the 2 in person gatherings, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Will social distancing be practiced?
We will be asking everyone who attends Princetown Church to practice social distancing while on our property. This is for the safety of all who are in attendance. We will ask that all families stay together and maintain at least 6 feet of distance between other households.
Are masks required?
Our elders have prayed about this, sought counsel from doctors, and we are following our governing leadership’s recommendations about masks.
• At the 9:00am service, we are requiring masks to be worn in the building at all times
• At the 10:30am service, masks will be required while moving or when you can't be 6 feet apart from non-family members
Will there be singing?
Although singing increases the risk of spreading COVID-19, it is a joyful form of worship, which God commands His people in Scripture. Therefore, we will be singing together, as we do our best to practice appropriate health precautions.
Will the cafe be open?
During this phase gathering, we will be offering coffee and water before the service as you enter. You are welcome to bring your own coffee, tea, or water as well.
What about socializing before and after the in-person worship gathering?
We encourage you to socialize outside before or after the worship service. The pavilion is available for gathering.
What about shaking hands or hugging?
We ask that people respect each other’s space.
How will cleaning be done?
The church will regularly and thoroughly be cleaned after worship gatherings. High touch areas will be disinfected in between services.
Will there be KidsChurch?
Yes, during the 10:30a service. Kids are welcomed to stay with their parents at both services as well.
• Kids Church will meet in the Cafe. Space is limited. First come first served at the check in desk.
• Parents are asked to:
1. Complete the WAIVER - BUTTON BELOW (just once)
2. Make sure your child has his/her MASK & LANYARD each week (see more info below)
3. CHECK-IN your kids in the lobby each time you come to KidsChurch
4. Sit together as a family in the Sanctuary - kids will be dismissed to KidsChurch during the service - parents are welcome to walk with your kids and see the whole KidsChurch experience
5. Sign out your child in the Cafe at the end (parents will need to keep their PICK-UP PASS from CHECK-IN)
Will there be Nursery?At this time the nursery will remain closed, but there are some spaces in the building where you can watch the live stream of the service and your child can spread out and play
When should I stay home?Please stay home if in the past 14 days you have had or have been in contact with anyone with:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
We also encourage each individual or family unit to make their own decision as to when it is safe for them to return to in-person worship gatherings.
When will we move to the next phase of reopening our church facility?The elders will continue to evaluate and discuss how this phase of reopening our church facility is going and monitor state and CDC guidelines. When the time is appropriate, they will make a decision about moving
to the next phase of reopening our church facility.